Yes, I Can See Dead People (2008)

Yes, I Can See Dead People (2008)
Director: Lee Kwong Yiu
Cast: Steven Chang Chi Hang, Mandy Chang Ah Man, Tong Yee
Nam is a slacker who has the power to see dead people - and he seems to be pretty okay with it. From departed friends to ghostly children, the undead populate the corridors of Nam's housing estate, and he's used to their presence, disturbing though it should be. Things change when his brother Tung begins acting distant and wetting himself, and Nam thinks that there may be more going on than just his brother's lack of self control. Estate security guard Fok clues Nam in: there are dangerous ghosts too, and one of them is starting to mount his own terror campaign by possessing Nam's neighbors and family. Fok also teaches Nam that those who possess ghost-seeing powers must bear the responsibility to use them properly. But can Nam learn the tricks of the ghost-busting trade before the evil spirits take his brother or the stewardess that he has the hots for?
'Day dreamer Nam sees dead people! Or is it just one of his many day dreams like the fact he also thinks he’s a ladies man. His brother Tung goes missing for a 24 hour period, on returning strange things start to happen around Nam, Tung and the apartment block they live in. Could Tung be possessed by an evil spirit? Mild supernatural yarn from Hong Kong aimed pretty much exclusively towards the teen market. Though its light on blood and gore it does have too its credit the typical moody atmosphere you get with Asian horror films, thanks to the lighting and loud jump out of your pants creepy noise effects. The plots derivative of the genre even the title sounds like a joke. But that said it’s all well enough done largely due to the fact the actor playing Nam 'Steven Chang' is very likeable.'
(6 out of 10)

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