A Thief in the Night (1972)

A Thief in the Night (1972)
Director: Donald W. Thompson
Writers: Russell S. Doughten Jr., Grant James
Cast: Patty Dunning, Mike Niday, Colleen Niday, Maryann Rachford, Thom Rachford
Story of Patty, a young woman caught up in living for the present with little concern for the future. As dramatic, earth shaking events begin to unfold around her, Patty realizes she is living in the end times spoken of in biblical prophecy.
First entry in the quadrilogy of crazy Christian end of days movies which are sometimes referred to as the Mark IV series. The films producers claimed this film had saved upwards of 4 million peoples souls something I find a little hard to believe. The film concerns Patty who wakes up to find millions of people missing with the belief that gods taken them before the final apocalypse. All this leaves Patty with either the option of finding the lord and hopefully saving her soul or letting the Unite take control of her. Dire acting and sluggish overly talky and preachy plot never really does what it sets out to do and convert you to Christianity. That said for fans of cheap movies or anyone seeking a little bit of dystopian nonsense there's heaps of fun to be had. Its done very much on the cheap and feels a little like an early Roger Corman film. Not really recommended but there's laughs abound at would be villain Jerry with his muscle man styled moustache and at how terrible the acting is in general. Maybe I'm being a little harsh on the poor film though as it may of seemed a good idea back in the 70's but age hasn't done it any justice.
(4 out of 10)

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