The Meateater (1979)

The Meateater (1979)
Director: Derek Savage
Writer: Derek Savage, Damon Fuller
Cast: Arch Joboulian, Dianne Davis, Peter Spitzer
Psycopathic killer stalks teens at a run down, abandoned movie theatre.
Obscure late 70's horror about a father Mitford Webster who buys an old abandoned cinema in the hope he and his family can start a new life together running it. Only turns out a burnt Jean Harlow loving maniac (who had been rumored to have died years back in a cinema fire) is still hanging around in the theatre and killing off the customers.

Below average 70's horror flick was director Derek Savages lone movie. Its not without a certain goofy charm largely thanks to the various odd characters, take the father Mitford he never stops eating on screen and really fluffs the way he says thhee-aATer, theres a sleazeball cop named Lieutenant Wombat. Then you get the 1st two victims geeky wannabee projectionist Raymond who looks like Superbads McLovin's older brother, next is a Napoleon Dynamite lookalike who tries sneak his mates in the back entrance. The trouble though is its not got a great deal of action and most the films time is taken up showing the Webster family run the cinema that seems to just show a loop of the same wild life movie.

(4 out of 10)

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