Dorchester's Revenge: The Return of Crinoline Head, 2014 - ★

Dorchester's Revenge: The Return of Crinoline Head, 2014 - ★

..::Selection for Hoop-tober 2.o Horror Fest::..
Because the world was crying out for a

"Back in the toaster poptart" - Janet (Elizabeth Mears)

If ever an horror was screaming out for a sequel 1995's abomination 'Crinoline Head' wasn't it, and this sequel by the same director Tommy Faircloth is equally inept. A group of teens go back to Crinoline Head killer Dorchester Stewarts neighborhood in the hope of uncovering the truth behind the doll mask, for a school presentation.

Boring paint by numbers teen kill slasher that you've seen 1000's of times better before, it even wimps out by having off screen kills. And to make matters worse its pace and dialogue timing are truly horrendous, its like the cast and crew are on tranquilizers.

Originally taken from Letterboxd

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