Voodoo Lagoon (2006)

Voodoo Lagoon (2006)
Director: Nick Cohen
Writer: Nick Cohen
Cast: Ashley Hamilton, John Noble, Lara Cox, Lincoln Lewis, Erika Heynatz
A group of college students book a bargain dream holiday to a remote tropical island, little knowing that they have been lured there by the island's evil owner to fulfill an ancient voodoo prophecy. Soon, what appears to be paradise is transformed as friends and siblings are pitched against each other in a desperate fight for survival. Doubt, suspicion and panic splinter the group as each member begins to fall victim to the terrifying reality of their own worst nightmares. Can those who are left find the strength to confront and overcome the fear that will otherwise be their end, or will the voodoo curse win out?
'Flat and uninteresting voodoo horror, that totally wastes its beautiful location with its tired plot and bland acting. Seven friends are invited to spend a cheaper than can be true vacation on an island. During the flight they’re given a survey to fill in asking ‘what is their worst fear’. Once on the island each is slowly forced to face death by their ultimate fear by an Easter Island mask wearing voodoo priest (at this point I spent most the film thinking of perverse ways I could be killed, shame the writers didn't as they pick junk like spiders and buried alive). The director and producers have sadly missed what surely given the nice locations and attractive young cast a golden opportunity to make a decent horror. Its just dire nonsense we get cast members barely uttering a noise when they get eye’s gouged out with hot pokers or their nuts ripped off. The cast including at least four hot females aren’t given anything remotely sexy enough to do, likewise the gores almost none existent. It really pisses me off so much more seeing a film which clearly as OK production values messing up than it does with ones that clearly don’t. Doesn’t matter how wet your afternoon is it’s not worth spending it on this junk.'
(3 out of 10)

[Downloadable Trailer Thanks To Twitch]

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