Damned by Dawn (2009)

Damned by Dawn (2009)
Director: Brett Anstey
Writer: Brett Anstey
Cast: Renee Willner, Bridget Neval, Dawn Klingberg
During a violent thunderstorm, a family is awoken by piercing shrieks which summon the dead to rise again.
Light lowbudget supernatural horror from down under, when Claire and Paul go to visit relatives, Claires grandmother hands her an urn which in turn sets about a series of creepy encounters including incidents with banshees, demons and undead living skeletons. The trouble is the plots scrappy and Damned by Dawn's heavy use of substandard cgi effects does little to help it. Acting isn't so bad and maybe with more time under his belt writer/director Brett Anstey may come up with something more watchable, sadly for me this is one to miss.
(4 out of 10)

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