Monster House, 2006 - ★★★½

Monster House, 2006 - ★★★½


“The House its AliveeeeEEE!” - Chowder 'Charles to the ladies' (Sam Lerner)

Homes are what you make them... sadly for Mr Nebbercracker while building his wife a dream home 40 or so years ago. An unfortunate accident with her left the house haunted. On Halloween three pesky kids try to solve the possessed pads secret.

Since hearing the inevitable news that Dam Harmon's 'Community' had been canned [six seasons and movie! NBC you swines, you had the jumanji board then lost it] and eagerly waitin' on the second run of Rick and Morty. I've been on a binge of his earlier stuff, so had to re-watch Monster House. Sorry if that sounds like I hate it, because I really like the film... but my son was 6 when it came out, and viewed it constantly. Sure it lacks the pitch perfect pacing and warmth of Pixar, and isn't uniquely twisted like Burton's eerie toon-ventures. But glad to report it holds up really well close to 10 years later.

[Personal Reasons For Remembering]

“Aw, did you see that? I just chopped off your head again! Your head's rolling. You can't even see it 'cuz your eyes are on your head!”

Skull brilliantly voiced by Jon Heder, totally like bruh stole the movie. He deserved his own picture, or at least a run of dominos pizza commercials [six ads and a superbowl slot].

Originally taken from Letterboxd

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