Starred Up, 2013 - ★★★

Starred Up, 2013 - ★★★


"Come on then piggy... you come any closer and I'll fucking skewer this pig like an hot roast.."

- Eric Love (Jack O'Connell)

His first morning in a new prison 19 year old Eric Love attracts unwanted attention from the guards working, and the inmates who really run the wing. Eric's second day he either chooses to work with an anger management program or live up to his starred up reputation.

Gritty throwback to British prison dramas of the 80's. It lacks deep characterization and subtly, but its got such a deft pace and authentic feel of being trapped in a claustrophobic institute with seriously crazed geezers. The actings the weakest aspect, its pretty much all voice raising and sneers, and thats just the guards. So the casts more likely to be picking up roles in 'The Bill' than picking up BAFTA's, Not bad though, especially if like me you enjoy prison films.

[Personal Reasons For Remembering]

For being reminded how good freedom smells.

Originally taken from Letterboxd

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