One Missed Call (2008)

One Missed Call (2008)
Director: Eric Valette
Writers: Andrew Klavan, Yasushi Akimoto
Cast: Shannyn Sossamon, Edward Burns, Ana Claudia Talancón, Ray Wise
In this remake of the Japanese horror film "Chakushin Ari" (2003), several people start receiving voice-mails from their future selves -- messages which include the date, time, and some of the details of their deaths.
'Time again folks for another soul destroyingly pointless remake. This time of legendary Japanese director Takeshi Miike's 'Chakushin Ari'. The stories not been altered a great deal we follow a series of sudden deaths. The link is each of the bodies are found eating a hard candy sweet and in possession of mobile phones containing the phone number of at least one of the previous corpses. Turns out there’s a supernatural force killing then using one of the deads phone contacts as its next victim. Nothing is added to this version only as expecting it’s over loaded with cgi fx work leaving the viewer feeling more than a little more removed than they had with the original. I must be honest I wasn't so fond of Miike's due to the silly double bluff ending. With the US version being watered down for a pg13 rating, they somehow manage to make the impact of the first segment of double ending less obvious making it feel less like a dramatic final. Oddly though I enjoyed this ending more than I did in the original, that said only slightly more so unless your bored senseless and have nothing better to do avoid.'
(4 out of 5)

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