Closed For The Season (2010)

Closed For The Season (2010)
Director: Jay Woelfel
Cast: Aimee Brooks, Damian Maffei, Joe Unger
Trapped in a forgotten amusement park, a young woman finds herself terrorized by the living memories of the park. She must break free from the park’s grasp before she becomes its next victim.
The story concerns a micro budget film production crew who've lived near an old rundown fairground for years, knowing full well how people are suckers for such things they have the genius idea of making a goosebumps style tale but passing it off as an adult horror movie. Only due to lack of talent or an original thought manage to waste almost 2 hours of film fans time (mine included).

Well sorry about that but needed to be done, the true story is actually a great deal less interesting. Its about a young woman Kirsty being stuck in a trapped in a long closed fairground, with her mind in a constant loop of dreams and past memory's. Turns out Kirsty had lost a teddy bear at the fair when she was a kid, while she searched she met two boys that would end up in accidents that brought about their early deaths.

Some horror films test if your man enough to see it all, this one just tests your endurance to boredom. Its a turgid waste of film that if it wasn't for a few crude lines of mild sexual dialogue and a scene a clown gets a stake in his eye, would have been perfect Halloween viewing for a your 5 year old. I would have award it a Turkey score of 2, but the acting is not so bad from the three leads, especially the ghost clown. Skip it.

Cultdb Totals
[Rated 3 out of 10 Good]
[Deathcount 2]
[Gorequota 1/10]
Themes Included: ClownThe CreatureCGI Roller Coaster
CGI BloodSpooky Old FairgroundIt Was Just A DreamIt Was Just Another Dream

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