Nezulla The Rat Monster (2002)

Nezulla The Rat Monster (2002)
aka Saikyoujuu tanjou: Nezulla
Director: Tagawa Mikita
Cast: Ryuu Daisuke, Kubota Yoshiyuki, Katsumura Mika, Nitta Jun'ichi
A Japanese Company funded by the USA experimenting with anti-bacteriological weapons creates a mutated humanoid rat creature which becomes violent and murders the lab technicians. The lab is condemned and its horrifying experiments kept a secret. However the strange bacteria leak from the lab and spreads to the nearby inhabitants causing a humanoid epidemic! Three people are sent to the lab to uncover the US government conspiracy that unleashed a bloodthirsty monster beyond their wildest imagination.
'A failed attempt at creating super soldiers resistant to sars, anthrax & the bacillus plague causes one of the animal test subjects a rat to mutate, it kills most of the researchers which is bad enough but it’s also spreading a unique virus. They lock down the research faculty and call in a crack team of soldiers and scientists to help stop the rat and the plague from spreading. Basically it’s a cheap entry level Sci-Fi creature feature which helps it beat the boredom barrier by dishing up a cheesy monster (a guy in a 6 feet tall rubber rat suit) and not taking itself serious. Its slightly marred by it's slow over talky script but bad b-movie fans should enjoy it. The less die hard fans will be better checking out the recent mutant rat film Mulberry Street which had a much more action packed pace.'
(4½ out of 10)

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